Monday, August 22, 2011

When Moms are Nervous~

I started my day by taking my youngest to high school.  It was harder than I expected considering that she went to school with me for the past three years. How did the years pass so quickly?   Will my nest really be empty in four short years?

Last night, Molly went through her closet and picked out outfits for the week.  She put together her new Jon Hart backpack with matching pencil bag. She showered so that she could sleep a few extra moments while her Dad ran to the store to stock up on her favorite lunch items.  She is much more prepared for this big change than I am.  I hovered and asked how I could help.  She gently reminded me that she was "now in high school and could handle it."  I know she is right!

The high school is MUCH larger than any school she has ever attended, and I couldn't help but look at the many students piling into the building. She has been part of a school where students basically dressed alike, had parents who pushed, and a small student/teacher ratio and family atmosphere.  These new students represent our entire city~ culturally, economically, racially, and politically.  I am excited that she will be meeting so many new people and learning about so many different cultures and ideas, but I cannot help but feel a bit nervous.  Will she make friends that are kind? Will she be confident?  ...and will she know how to walk away when confronted with choices that can hurt her and reduce her future?

All I can do is turn both her future days and mine to God and pray that we will both move in the right direction and make this world a better place, a friendlier place, and a safer place.

Here's to my Molly and all the other freshman ~ class of 2015.  You are our hope for a brighter future!

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