Monday, August 8, 2011

Quiet Moments

I am one of those "busy" women you hear about.  Between my family, friends, church and career, I don't have very many quiet moments, but I sure do love them and need them.  As I move into the next chapter of my life, I want to create intentional quiet moments.

Reading ~ My sister bought me a Kindle as a retirement gift after 30 years of teaching.  I never thought I would want an electronic gadget.  How would I enjoy the crisp page turn, the familiar dog ear, the personalized bookmark in this modern marvel?  Surprise!  I love having a Kindle.  The first book I downloaded was Heaven is For Real.  Loved it and it made me think!  Then, I downloaded The Help.  I had planned on reading it in Book Club last fall but never got around to buying it.  With the Kindle, it was a snap and I couldn't put it down. I  am now planning a movie night with my friends who have read it, too.  I have downloaded several more books and have rediscovered the quiet moment when the only sound you hear is the AC and you disappear into the story of the moment.

Music~ While my iPhone is a great tool for communicating, it also is my new link to music.  I am able to download all my favorites: Michael Buble, Barbra Streisand, Billy Joel, and others.  The familiar tunes create atmosphere.  I can sing along as I do my nails, dust, apply make-up, or sometimes paint or draw.  The music I listen to is pure individual choice.  It is something that belongs to  me and it soothes me after a busy day.

Spirit~ The quiet time I intend to pursue MOST intentionally is the one that will feed my soul. Reading and studying the Old and New Testataments, listening to hynms and praise songs, praying for my family, friends, and world.  Too often, I have left this important piece of who I am on the back burner, and I know I react poorly to the challenges of life because of it.  My priority will be to make it an important DAILY act. A habit. A renewal.

Quiet Moments ~ I think I will have one now.

1 comment:

  1. I'm developing this habit right along with you, sis! Hindsight is 20/20 but looking to the future is so much sweeter now! I love you!
