Saturday, August 6, 2011

The Bride of the Moment!

Just a little over 28 years ago, she entered my life wailing and disrupting quiet evenings, but I never minded.  There is just something about her.  She sparkles and shines so brilliantly.  And now, she is getting married. 

Being the mom, I get to be more than an eyewitness.  I get to be a participant; from choosing the wedding dress to looking at china, from finding a caterer to selecting centerpieces; I even watch her transform from giggly girl to a woman in love, ready to commit her life to another. Nothing is more precious.

Today we head over to Studio H for a practice run with her hair.  It reaches past her waist and is currently a gorgeous shade of chocolate brown with beach blonde highlights.  Stanley starts by curling her hair all over.  With the giant bouncy curls, she is the epitome of "Texas" hair. We all laugh and remember that although she lives in Dallas, she is still a Houston girl at heart. With the deftness of a surgeon, Stanley is able to manipulate the curls into a twist, a style, and finally an amazing "do" that will be perfect for the ceremony.  I, of course, happily snap away on camera and iPhone, spinning her chair like a carousel. I love this mother~daughter moment.

I once remember thinking, "Will I be a mom that can be there for both the trials and the triumphs?"  I don't know how well I did, or how much credit I can take, but can I just say that she "made" it despite my own humanity. 

She is the bride of the  moment~ Missy~ I am so proud of the young woman you have become.


  1. Love watching how you enjoy your mother-of-the-bride role! It is precious to witness the love between you and your daughters! Beautiful!

  2. Awe, mom. I could not have been anywhere close to the girl/lady/woman I am today without you in my life! In growing up, I have learned that all the things that I used to complain about, and wonder..."but why??" are the things in life that I have learned are some of the most important!

    Work hard, but if and only if you worked hard first.
    Be kind, and Kill with Kindness
    Respect and be respected
    Love and be loved
    Cherish and be cherished
    Judge yourself...but not others
    Know that if there is a mean is probably just a cover up
    But also, be proud of your talents
    and be proud of others
    Be honest with yourself, and others
    Love yourself...and others
    and Last, but most important...Love God!

    Thank you for being you. I love you and I am so proud of you also!

